The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix: A Book Recommendation

The Final Girl Support Group

The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix

In horror films, the “final girl” is the last survivor when the movie ends. She is the one who fought back, defeated the killer, and sought vengeance for her friends. She emerges victorious, albeit battered and covered in blood. However, once the sirens stop wailing and the audience moves on, what becomes of her?

Lynnette Tarkington is a real-life final girl who endured a massacre over twenty years ago, and its impact has shaped every aspect of her life ever since.

She is not alone. For over a decade, she has attended therapy sessions with five other final girls as they strive to rebuild their lives after surviving unimaginable horrors. However, when one of the women misses a meeting, Lynnette’s worst fears come true โ€“ someone has discovered their support group and is determined to dismantle their lives, bit by bit.

But these final girls will never, under any circumstance, surrender.

The line between being too careful and not being careful enough is a line you only get to cross once.

Grady Hendrix, The Final Girl Support Group

If youโ€™re giving The Final Girl Support Group as a gift, here are a few things to consider:

The vibes are dark, tense, mysterious, and inspiring with a fast pace.

Itโ€™s the perfect book for readers who love strong female characters, stories about vengeance, and campy horror movies.

Permission to judge a book by its cover!

The color scheme is a simple black and red, so perfect for horror! The single chair depicts group therapy while highlighting the ugly truth that final girls are ultimately alone. @alialwaysreading juxtaposes a bright and cheery reading setup with the scary story thatโ€™s just waiting to be read.

The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix

*The Final Girl Support Group fulfilled my POPSUGAR Reading Challenge prompt for a book with “Girl” in the title.

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